Water fasting: What people don’t talk about.

I imagine I first discovered water fasting in the same way most of you did, strewn about Youtube and other forms of social media. People sharing their experiences with the weight loss phenomenon. 

Does it all still seem a bit odd? Do you still find yourself left a bit confused, with a visceral feeling that it goes against everything you know about being healthy?

Today I’m going to impart some wisdom on the subject, based on a ton of my own experiences that I accumulated throughout the pandemic. 

I mean, I had the time, so why not, right?

What is water fasting?

In essence, it’s gliding nothing past your lips, except water, for 24 hours or more. I say that because there is a line drawn between “intermittent fasting” and “water fasting” which, if you want to know more about intermittent fasting, you can find an article I wrote about that right here too.

More than essence? Abstaining from anything with a calorie in it. Taking electrolytes daily to support your system while you embark upon this ethereal journey. At times, feeling uncomfortable, as your body processes toxins, and there’s also the certainty of someone’s unwanted opinion on the matter mixed in there as well. But let's not dwell on that shall we.

There’s the joys of your blood pressure lowering. Which, don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal since your digestive system eventually slips into a kind of “hibernation”, but it can make you quite light headed if you stand suddenly or exert too much energy. So long as you’re mindful when standing up, there’s really not much to be concerned about.

There is also a process that takes place during an extended water fast, where your body goes through a series of biological stages. In which all of your carbohydrates, better known as glucose and glycogen, are depleted. Your body switches to it’s ‘backup generator’ which runs solely on body fat to propel you through the day. Toxins stored away in your fat cells are expelled and yes, the very obvious by now, there is potential to lose a lot of weight.

Duration of a water fast.

Again, in essence, so long as you’ve got the body fat needed to support an extended water fast you can go as long as justifiably possible. 

I’m most certainly NOT telling you to blindly delve head first into a 21 day water fast without some kind of personal research, or at the very least consult someone else that’s had experience with this, however, in the case of Mr Barbieri, a water fast that lasted 382 days, it is evident, with the proper guidance, that it’s possible to go down the body altering, life changing rabbit hole if you so choose.

  • A 24 hour fast can be a feat in itself, especially if you’re brand new to this, but it’s where I’d start if I were you because it’ll give you a good idea of how it feels. The way your body responds to not consuming calories and, it’s a nice way to get an idea of what a longer fast will feel like.

  • Up to 3 or 4 days seems to be quite popular and the research shows that the human growth hormone, which increases at the beginning of a water fast, starts to decline at around 84 hours, so there is merit to staying within this window.

  • 7 days gives you a good amount of time to adjust to being in a fasted state. You’ll be reaping the benefits of autophagy (which I’ll explain in a bit) and going about your usual day will feel quite normal. I say that but I must preface, I wouldn’t advise anything more than walking during an extended fast. Bear in mind, because you’re not eating anything, the only calories available are the ones you’re carrying on you and much like a squirrel preparing for winter, you must be resourceful.

  • 2 weeks and honestly, on a biological level, it’s an extension from what has already been happening. More detoxification is occurring throughout the body and those infamous hunger pains are almost well and truly gone, although, if you’re anything like me, you’ll miss your time spent in the kitchen cooking something delicious.

  • 3 weeks, and believe it or not, typically around this time is when I find it the easiest. You’re well and truly in the flow of your new norm, if you are doing a 21 day fast, the end is in sight. You’ve already conquered the brunt of it, which is an incredible achievement, you have an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment, and you can now start to think about how you’re going to break your fast. Breakfast, get it?

Reasons to water fast.

There seems to be a notable theme here that people are adhering to, which is to watch the band wagon fly past them at the speed of sound and then, doing their best Usain Bolt impression, sprint down the road after it blindly believing that the reasons making them do this, let’s face it, impossible impression, are completely warranted when they haven’t even bothered to ask themselves ...am I really sure I want to be doing this?

1. Weight loss

2. Detoxification

3. Mental Clarity

4. Autophagy

1. Weight Loss.

The most commonly seen in the media and on social platforms is weight loss. Which, don’t get me wrong, I’ve done it myself and therefore at the risk of sounding like a complete hypocrite, it isn’t the worst reason in the world.

You're helping your body expel unnecessary visceral and subcutaneous fat (visceral is the one between your organs and subcutaneous is what you see in the mirror) 

If you find yourself in the gym most days of the week, or even begrudgingly popping in once a month, you’ll most likely notice a difference doing certain exercises. Push-ups and pull-ups get easier since your muscles aren’t having to work as hard to move that excess weight around. 

Since muscles in the legs are some of the largest that’s typically where large fat stores can be found. As I’m sure you all know, around the midsection is another area, and no, it’s not because your body hates you. Fat is stored here to help protect your organs against any potential dangers. Like an overly friendly dog or a seemingly harmless game of catch with the neighbours kid

So why am I telling you this? Well, because these areas thankfully have a lot to give up and although fat loss doesn’t happen in just one specific area, more like dissolving in layers, you will notice a difference in these areas and naturally the more often, or longer you fast, the more these areas will transform.

2. Detoxification.

Unbeknownst to me, before I started any of the water fasts I would later go on to do, I had no idea that there are toxins lying dormant in fat cells. 

The liver, aptly referred to as “The General”, is the body’s go to for processing unwanted materials. Reserve fat stores found in the liver itself are the first to go, so the liver can do it’s job effectively, and after that, it’ll start to target what you and I look at in the mirror, every morning.

Before I started my journey with water fasting I didn’t know that the body secludes toxins, hiding them away from our bloodstream in order to prevent harmful heavy metals from whizzing around our bloodstream and wreaking havoc on our mind and body. 

Discomfort in the lower back, where your kidneys are, is possible as it aids in flushing out the toxins your liver’s abolished. This is all part and parcel of detoxification and in my opinion is definitely worth the effort.

3. Mental Clarity.

This is my personal fav, and yes, I may be a little bit biased, admittedly, but if you’re searching for a means to help you get all those thoughts whirling around in your head, down on paper, this is the best way I’ve found, by far!

The hardest thing about this reason is that it doesn’t come easily, not even a little bit. You have to earn it! 

The first time I experienced an ungodly amount, of what I can only describe as euphoria, was the morning of day 6 (which if you’ve never done a water fast can feel like an eternity). Pirouetting around my flat in Prague, at 6 a.m, listening to Bruno Mars. I suddenly stopped with this jaw aching smile across my face, and said, out loud “Where did I get all this energy from, and how am I in such a good mood?”

The reason for my exceedingly good mood? Well, caloric restriction improves neuroplasticity and therefore has a positive impact on your mood and cognitive function. This is also something that’s been studied as a means to help with depression and produced positive results.

Fasting triggers a natural stress response, similar to exercise. This response is the culprit for your heightened state of awareness and diamond clear thoughts. To make decisions with ease and even produce well executed ideas. If that’s not a good enough reason to fast I don’t know what is. 

4. Autophagy.

The process of cells cleaning themselves and being recycled into nice, shiny, brand spanking new ones.

Autophagy really is a remarkable process and is the closest thing we genuinely have to anti-aging. Reverse the effects of your biological age on a cellular level or cake products onto your skin …I know which one I’d choose.

I’ve experienced it myself. Your skin really does feels smoother and softer. The tone is even throughout and at times, has even looked brighter.

Autophagy comes from the latin root “self eating” which would explain why it was given to the process of clearing out the cellular waste stored in fat cells.

Many studies have been done on this topic, but one that caught my attention was where mice were placed on an every other day fast and then went on to live 30% longer than their usual life expectancy.

Stages of water fasting.

Day 1-2

This, for some, can be the hardest. Transitioning from carbohydrates to fats can be challenging, especially if it’s your first time fasting. 

The main reason being, all those hunger signals that you’d expect, are typically very noticeable. Naturally with the lack of carbohydrates present in your body, your energy levels and also mood can be quite diminished. 

Steer the course, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water, focus on the task at hand and you’ll get through it no problem.

Day 3-7

Things can still be a bit difficult. You’ll notice though by now, since your body will have completely switched to fat as it’s fuel source (better known as ketosis) your tongue may be a little whiter than normal. This is a sure fire way to know you’re in ketosis and is simply down to the fact unused ketones are expelled through your saliva.

People also mention a sweetness on their breath. This is also another tell tale sign, but honestly, I’ve never noticed it. I always brush my teeth rigorously to keep my mouth feeling fresh, from those pesky ketones, that can leave your mouth feeling a little peculiar.

Day 8-15

If you’ve made it this far, good on you! You’re well and truly in it now and have most likely settled into a rhythm. If you haven’t, and some days you’re still feeling low in energy, don’t be alarmed. It has happened to me more than once in the past. Don’t forget that as your body burns through body fat, toxins in the form of heavy metals are simultaneously being expelled, which can affect how you feel day to day. The heavier the detoxification the more likely you are to experience this.

Day 16-21

Ok, this is impressive. I have done more than 21 days before but honestly I’ve never felt all that comfortable going further than this. I’m a big believer in listening to your body, if it doesn’t feel right or you’re feeling uncertain then pay attention to that gut feeling. 

This experience is for you and you alone, we’re not out to prove anything to anyone.

It is however, usually at this stage where I feel a sense of not needing to eat at all. Almost as if I could figuratively do it forever. Hunger pains have vanished, my mood is heightened and optimistic. It has at times been quite a blissful state to be in.

Benefits of water fasting.

Right. Now you know the Reasons and the Stages, it’s time to get into the good stuff. The Benefits!

Something I’ve noticed collectively over the last 2 years is not how different you feel when on your way to the top, but actually the reverse. 

Waking up after an adventurous New Year’s Eve, or even just a random Tuesday (cough, cough) I’ll almost instantly notice how greatly my desire has diminished to do anything I genuinely want to do. Simultaneously having a notably, scrooge like, state of mind.

What shocked me most is what I discovered while doing a 21 day fast.

I was up at 5 a.m everyday, to teach my English language classes. Each day I had to teach variety of levels, and was regularly faced with a slew of obscure, random questions which, at times, were delivered in very broken English. None of it phased me. None of it held a candle to my laser sharp, epicly focused mind. I was more focused, more aware, more able to precisely deliver epic examples of grammar than ever before. After more than a week of not eating?! I was hooked.


The next time I experienced this was at the very beginning of my transition from teaching to copywriting. I was sitting in on a lot of webinars at the time, soaking them up like a sponge. Fiercely taking down notes, I had such a clear vision of my assault on the future. I couldn’t get over the sheer amount of mental energy I had and how capable I was to effortlessly apply it.

THIS is the missing information. THIS is what so many people aren’t telling you about. Yes, o.k, sure, you can lose weight and given what we see on a near daily basis, I completely understand wanting to give this a try for that reason, but, for me, it’s the mental benefits that are at the heart of my why.

It’s why I think everyone who’s able to, should experience this phenomenon. To be gifted with experiencing, first hand, how capable the most valuable asset we have at our disposal really is.

All the stuff that happens on a cerebral level far outweighs any of the other stuff, and it’s usually why, when people eagerly ask “so how much weight did you lose?!” I just smile and change the subject.

Because they’re completely missing the point. They’re missing out on the greatest thing of all.

How to do a water fast

Something I like to do before I start a fast is go out and buy some electrolytes. These, if you aren’t familiar, play a vital role in the body being able to perform at its peak. 

My rule of thumb for how much water to drink is a litre per meal, and I like to add in an extra litre for good measure. Just think of it as brunch or afternoon tea. Depending on what part of the world you’re from.

Thee amounts of said electrolytes are just as important. Don’t go just throwing them in the general direction of your mouth and hope for the best.

The measurements I always adhere to, which I found through my own research is…

  • 420 mg of Magnesium

  • 3500 mg Potassium

  • 2400 mg of Sodium

There are additional electrolytes you can take. There’s also blends on the market that you can usually stir into a glass of water, personally I prefer to take them individually so I have better control over the amount I’m putting in my body.

That being said, a teaspoon of Pink Himalayan salt in a glass of water to be dissolved can be very beneficial. Since salt contains a lot of sodium and unadulterated salt has all 18 minerals, I’ve opted for this during a fast instead of seeking out sodium tablets from the pharmacy.

I find a routine helps to complete a fast. Drinking a litre of water almost as soon as I get out of bed and taking all of the necessary supplements is a good way to start the day as it sets your intentions and solidifies your commitment to what you’ve decided to do.

Other than that it really is just a matter of rinse and repeat as you settle into your new norm and get used to not needing to eat. As I mentioned before, the longer you fast or the more often you fast, the more familiar it’ll become. 

What’s it like on a daily basis?

It’s the pinnacle of your day, it becomes your unspoken mantra.

Water fasting can be quite an adventure, regardless of how much previous experience you’ve had. Some fasts I find to be an absolute breeze and the days just seem to fly by, whereas others can feel more like each hour lasts as long as the day itself.

How long, to adapt to being in a fasted state, can vary. The reminders do dissipate. Your sense of smell will feel like it’s torturing you for the first few days, every smell is intensified and already strong smells, like cigarette smoke, can be almost unbearable.

After the first few days though, I’m always astounded at how well you can decipher each one, as if it’s a super power. Like hearing colour or seeing sound.

Cleaning your teeth is a whole new experience. You’ll know what I mean when you try it. It becomes a treat, like eating your favourite dessert after dinner, and which toothpaste you use can definitely make or break a typically mundane morning ritual.

Once your blood pressure lowers, it can affect you day to day. You need a little more time to stand and get going. That little head rush you get from standing up too quickly is now a looming reminder that you’ve taken on something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. 

I’ve personally never fainted during a fast but I have read about other people's experience who mention they have. 

There is something else you should be made aware of. Don’t say I didn’t warn you...

Because your body is in essentially repair mode and the electrolytes that you’re hopefully taking help your body to perform at its peak, the sudden and rather unexpected urge to use the bathroom may present itself. 

I was once advised to carry spare underwear at all times, which I can wholeheartedly say is pretty solid advice. I’d also approach each fart with a certain amount of scepticism. I can neither confirm or deny this has happened to me personally. So go forth and proceed with caution.

Does fasting break down muscle?

Simply put, yes. But not nearly as much as you may have been led to believe.

Training your muscles slows the breakdown during a fast. Something as minimal as walking will help retain muscle mass because simply put, your body is aware that you’re using your muscles and therefore isn’t about to start throwing them overboard.

The flipside of this is if you transform into an immovable object, much like a very large snake that’s devoured its lunch whole and is experiencing the most ungodly food coma, you’re bound to notice a visable difference if you’re doing 100% of nothing to prevent it from happening.

I did once do a 21 day fast where I didn’t do a whole lot of adulting, and to be honest, spent most of it horizontal watching “Zumbo’s Just Desserts” on Netflix, where, by the end of it, I could visibly see my leg muscles had reduced.

Preparing for your refeed

I always like to approach this with a bit of forethought and preparation. Knowing what to buy before you enter a supermarket is always a smart idea so your deprived brain doesn’t take over and you end up spending an obscene amount of money on cheese and ice cream.

Make sure you start out slow and choose something that’s gentle on your stomach. Most commonly suggested is something that contains a lot of water so for example, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumbers and celery are all good choices, but, my personal favourite, is a bowl of broth.

You can go with bone or vegetable, both are loaded with healthy, healing minerals and are a great transition from plain old water to something with, comparatively, bucket loads of flavour. 


Whatever you do, make sure you take this seriously. This is genuinely more important than everything you’ve just gallantly fought through. First things first, you’ve been living off your own body fat for the last however many days, let's eat a big bowl or pasta, right? Wrong! 

  • Pasta is loaded with carbohydrates which will shock your dormant digestive system, and also drive your insulin levels through the roof, most likely ending in tears and a hospital bed.

  • Your stomach has been used to nothing but water, and possibly the odd cup of black coffee, the last thing it needs is to be suddenly woken up by a huge meal.

  • Steering clear of a lot of fibre is also advisable. It can make you extremely uncomfortable and result in very unpleasant trips to the bathroom

  • If you need a good horror story, to find out how badly refeeding can go if not done properly, look up what happened to prisoners who were released after the Vietnam war.

Day 1

Since your body has been consuming a hefty diet of body fat it may not be the worst idea to start off with a very small, low carb, low protein, high fat meal. Steer clear of foods rich in carbohydrates and protein, which can cause unwanted problems. I like to start off with half an avocado, some olives and a few slices of cucumber. Maybe even a little cheeky spoonful of peanut butter afterwards.

I highly recommend a recipe by Bon Appetit for a nice healing nutritious bowl of vegetable broth.

Day 2

Very similar to day 1. I’ll gently introduce some other things like mushrooms or other vegetables, which can have the potential to upset your stomach if introduced on day one.

Day 3

Today’s the day you can add in some high quality protein. Much like raw onions, protein can be a strain on your stomach and should be eaten in small portions. I personally opt for a tofu scramble, it’s not tough or chewy and can be digested easily.

Day 4

By day 4 you’re developing a bit of a rhythm. It doesn’t mean you should go out and demolish a plate of tacos, but by now your system is starting to get back to its usual self and there isn’t as much of a need for caution when eating. You can increase the size of your meals and by the end of the week life will be as it once was.

After your fast

You did it! What an achievement. If you’re new to fasting, welcome to the club.

Your usual routine, pre-fast, may feel a little unfamiliar now. You might have decided to adopt some new habits. I usually find I’m faced with a few different thoughts, one of which being “Now, what else can I eat”.

I always find it such a joy, getting back into cooking again. I typically have a newfound appreciation for all the types of food we have available to us. A strawberry has never tasted so good, and I love peanut butter, so that first childlike, smeared all around the face spoonful, is simply transcendent

Savour your food, appreciate what’s in front of you, take the time to enjoy the process. When you get to experience falling in love with food all over again, you won’t believe how this whole time you've taken such a basic need for granted. 


The Art and Science of Intermittent Fasting.